Monday 29 March 2010

More on the Women Artists Thing ...

We discovered this article - a little after the event - but it's a subject that clearly isn't going to go away any time soon, so ... for your interest, men and women of the theatre, click here to read The glass curtain by Anne Marie Welsh, first published in The San Diego Union-Tribune in 2005.

Monday 15 March 2010

Well , its March and that means Actors at Work begin rehearsing three shows written by Ned Manning. Trust and Betrayal, Romeo and Juliet Intensive and Hamlet Intensive. Trust and R&J have been completely re-written and are virtually new shows. Actors at Work tour extensively throughout Australia under the Bell Shakespeare banner. They play to an audience of upwards of 60,000 students from Melbourne to Palm Island, from Perth to Hobart, from Alice Springs to Sydney. Ned has now written ten shows for Actors at Work.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Stories from the 428

Four of 7-ON (Donna, Vanessa, Noëlle & Ned) are involved in Augusta Supple’s latest project, Stories from the 428.

The 428 is a bus route that goes from Sydney’s Circular Quay to Canterbury in the city’s inner south-west. Given the recent release of the Public Transport Blueprint for Sydney, it’s pretty topical—but more than that, it’s a great initiative because it brings together a whole bunch of writers and other artists to work on something that goes from ‘whoa to go’ in less than 3 months. There are 16 participating writers and we’re a mix of the more experienced and less experienced. We have different styles, sensibilities, interests, and approaches to creating our 10-minutes of material, so come along and see Stories from the 428.

There are 2 different shows with 8 writers apiece, each running for a one-week season. Vanessa & Ned are in Week 1, Donna’s & Noëlle’s work is in Week 2.

Stories from the 428
Week 1: Wed 24—Sat 27 March, 8:00 pm & Sun 28 March, 5:00 pm.
Week 2: Wed 31 March—Sat 3 April, 8:00 pm & Sun 4 April, 5:00 pm.
Sidetrack Theatre, 142 Addison Road, Marrickville. (The 428 bus stops just outside.)

Check out the project’s website and on Facebook.