Wednesday 6 June 2012

A Cyber Treat

This is Donna crawling out of the sludge, surveying the domestic carnage that is wrought when one has to cancel one's life and Get That Play Done. Jump For Jordan did get done, as of yesterday, a full length black comedy about arranged marriage suspicions within a Jordanian-Australian family. Before I fall into a heap, and because my life of late has been entirely lived through the computer screen, I just want to acknowledge a cyber treat from down south, Tom Healy's monthly missives from the Australian Script Centre. They come in threes, recommending plays suitable for community, school or tertiary audiences. They are quite a distraction, because I usually want to find out about that play I saw, missed, must read. Advocacy and promotion with heart. (And another imminent production of my Tales From The Arabian Nights because of their invaluable catalogue). Top job Tom and team. 

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