Friday 31 December 2010

Wrap Up '10 ... continued

NED's year began in Venice and ended in Melbourne. Quite a ride as neither were exactly planned. In between there's been two short plays for Stories from the 428 and Brand Spanking New. A tentative dip into the world of sports journalism. A trip to China with 20 kids from my "old" school (NHSPA) performing everywhere from World Expo to Xangzhou to Deng Feng on stages huge and tiny. There's been a production of Blackrock with a cast of teenagers. My new kids play "Alice Dreaming" has been published by Cambridge University Press. I've written a draft for a new play which found its way to the bin (recycling, of course). I've written two more plays for Bell Shakespeare's Actors at Work program. I've finished my ubiquitous film script which I'm going to re-write and set in Melbourne. I've wondered what happened  to that commercial play I sent off and my ABC Radio play? Nearly finished the chapters I'm writing for a Drama Textbook. Why oh why? I've been inspired by my colleagues and frustrated by having to juggle so many balls. I'm finally settled having commuted for 12 weeks and wondering how the hell people do it. I'm looking forward to writing without interruption and whatever the future may bring.

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